We want to share with you some of the amazing photos from our shooting with Walter Pobaschnig for ConTaKt: Consciousness in Relation, an international, artistic-scientific performance project about (human) consciousness.
You can already get your tickets for the event at TheaterArche :
And/or support our project with donations:
We are currently rehearsing within our Artist in Residency at Kultur Anker Zentrum Vienna.
If you are curious about our work you can come to Kultur Anker Zentrum Schlingermarkt and see our Work-in-Progress-Showing on 25th of July at 18:00 - entry free!
This residency is being possible with the support of Goetheinstitut and Culturemoveseurope, a Funding Program of the European Union.
#workinprogress #showing #butohresque #performanceart #homo_kemoni #intersdisciplinary #performance #project #ArtMeetsScience #sciencemeetsart #butoh #consciousness #neuroscience #subconsciousness #butohclown #butohdance #contemporaryart #collaboration #synapticbutoh #performingarts #physicaltheater #performingartist #workinprogress